More features than you will ever need

Designed to fully utilize the power of the Internet while being easy to use, WEBLetter creates digital communications that are delivered into your target audience's inbox. Regardless of who you are communicating with: employees, clients or potential customers.

  • Customization and personalization of "From" email address
  • Flexibility to choose from dozens of styles and color schemes
  • Upload capability for documents and files to link to from WEBLetter communication
  • Folder system for storing and organizing content
  • Upload capability and storage of images
  • Automatic tracking with Google Analytics
  • Ability to include video in your campaigns adding more depth to your email communications
  • Ability for system to detect if video is being viewed on a mobile device and convert to HTML so it will play on all devices
  • Personalization with an UNLIMITED number of custom fields
  • Advanced list management system
  • Ability to use Polls and Quizzes
  • Pre-set delivery date for approved WebLetter publications
  • "Tell-a-friend" referral marketing strategies
  • Real-time reporting
  • Recipients can manage subscriptions for multiple publications
  • Auto-generated mobile broadcasts
  • Easily share content on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn via our Social Media icons
  • Use of likes and comments on articles to increase engagement with your readers
  • Split testing capabilities
  • Triggered emails and lead routing based on pre-defined business rules
  • Dynamic content capabilities to deliver customized information based on your customer's preferences.

With customization, if you can dream it, we can do it.

Corporate Challenge — How to communicate distribution of new personal computers to employees spread across the globe

One of our large clients brought this problem to Peer360. A series of communications had to be sent out with a unique timeline for each employee leading them through the process of appointment notifcation, data backup, delivery and rebuiild. This series of emails described the process, and were personalized with location and appointment time for each employee.

Emails allowed each employee to reschedule an inconvenient appointment. Each day, hundreds of unique email communications had to go out, orchestrating this complicated schedule and technical challenge.

Peer360, with full access to our application code, was able to create a system able to execute this plan for thousands of employees in five languages in 32 countries. This custom solution has been used in three subsequent roll-outs with great success.

Let our seasoned email team help you find the approach that will motivate your audience, accomplish your goals, and match your budget.

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